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Last Day of Kindergarten



Today marks my baby’s Last Day of Kindergarten!

Claire completed kindergarten in a completely virtual setting for the 2020-2021 school year. While it wasn’t ideal and not at all what we had expected prior to the pandemic, she did well and made the best of it. She did have to switch teachers once, which was a bit of a bumpy ride. But once we smoothed out those kinks, it was really a great year. She got in a groove. I can see a huge difference in her personality, how she speaks, words she uses, counting, and more since the start of the school year.

Here she was on her first day of kindergarten.


We already “homeschooled” a little bit for pre-k, so when I found out school was full-time at home instead of in person, I created this little space for her to have school. We already had most of these things, so I threw together a little more legit of a school space for her. It worked really well for her to have a designated school spot.

To all the other moms reading this though, I definitely lost my enthusiasm big time to do much extra “school” outside of her virtual class because this mom was spent after months of staying at home! 😉 So while this looks magical, it was truly just used for her virtual school after summer of last year lol. I tried!


Claire’s Last Day of Kindergarten | 2020-2021

And here’s her last day of school! June 15th, 2021

Last Day of Kindergarten | Melissa Sheridan Photography


I didn’t really think I’d think much of this day, but wow did the emotions hit me. They had one last craft and made a paper crown to wear during their “awards ceremony” Claire was awarded the “thoughtful thinker” award. Her teacher was super gracious and often let Stella participate as well.

Claire's virtual kindergarten class


Her teacher played a cute rendition of “Celebration” which somehow got me teary? And then she had the audacity to play a read aloud of I’ll Love You Forever. I’ve never actually read that book, but wow it’s a tear-jerker!!!

Last day of Kindergarten | Melissa Sheridan Photography Claire's last day of kindergarten | Melissa Sheridan Photography

Although she did “miss out” on a traditional school experience, Claire did really well in the virtual setting and we made the best of it. Today I asked her what her favorite thing about kindergarten was and she replied, “Getting to stay home, actually.” I know not everyone had this kind of experience, but I am so grateful her year was a mostly positive experience. Here we come, first grade!

It’s days like today where I’m grateful I can just pick up a camera and document some things that I know in ten years will be distant memories. These girls are my whole heart, and to be honest, motherhood has been quite emotional lately realizing we are 100% out of the “baby days.” Just like that book said though, “As long as you’re living, my baby you’ll be…” ❤️

xo Melissa

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